Back to Our Regularly Scheduled Program
Well, well, well…for those of you who regularly keep up with this blog (my sincerest thank you’s by the way), you have probably noticed that it’s been a little big neglected lately. While I wish I could say that I haven’t had time to write a post or read and review a book, the truth is that I have had plenty of time. What I have been lacking is motivation.
In the past couple weeks, I have fallen into a pit of honest-to-god laziness, leaving me devoid of any creative ideas. Instead of being even remotely productive in my personal life, I have paced laps around my parent’s house, frequented the same few stores within a five-mile-radius on a weekly basis, and daydreamed about one day writing a book — with no intention of actually picking up a piece of paper and doing something about it. Despite attempting to convince myself that I needed this so-called break as a way to recuperate from the highs and lows of graduating college and, well, beginning my adult life, I have continued to feel disappointed for neglecting this space that I have worked so hard to create for myself.
You might be reading this, concerned that I sound depressed, but I’m can assure you I’m not. I’m actually quite happy lately despite my life looking different than I wanted it to look two months out of college.
I enjoy my new “big-girl” job (and pray that none of my new co-workers are reading this, as I will be tremendously embarrassed…but, if you are, “Hi, welcome! I appreciate the read, please don’t laugh at me.”). In a few weeks, I’m moving into my very own apartment, where I will live alone — which is something I have dreamed about for at least the past four years. On the weekends, I have found myself being more social, actually making plans to spend time with my friends instead sitting back and taking a passive role in my friendships — which I found myself doing a lot of in college. So far, my very short time in the post-grad realm has been treating me pretty darn well.
But in all my free-time, I sit around, twiddle my thumbs and, well, do a whole lot of nothing. And while I can’t go on any massive and grand adventures during the work week, I can still strive to not entirely let my free-time go to waste. So, instead of continuing to let my mind (and website) idle, I have give myself a little shove back into my hobbies, including writing.
While this isn’t the most profound, funny, or interesting blog post I have ever written, it’s a step (maybe even just a tiptoe) back into something that I have missed.