my name is, you guessed it…carly! i started this blog over two years ago now when i was a senior in college. i was working towards an english degree and i wanted an opportunity to take my writing into my own hands a little bit. i was tired of writing college papers on topics that didn’t really inspire me to use my voice. ever since i was young, my family and friends coined me the ‘storyteller,’ because once i started talking about something, i was unable to stop. eventually, i decided to share my writing with people.
it started out that only my family and close friends would click on my website and read my work, but since then it’s expanded and i’ve reached people from all over the country.
that being said, this past year i took a step back from the space, and you can see that in a lot of my older pieces on here. I was struggling to find something to write about every week, so i took a hiatus from writing all together.
now, i’m back and i’ve decided to completely revamp my site in order to reflect how much i’ve changed in the past year! it’s an ongoing work in progress, but i couldn’t be more excited to share it with you all!